- Oak-Mitsui Technologies exhibited at IMS 2023
Oak-Mitsui Technologies presented at IMS 2023 to present an embedded capacitance material called FaradFlex to improve SI/PI and mitigate EMI, ultra thin copper called MicroThin and low-profile copper. Thanks for those who stopped by Oak-Mitsui booth!!! 🙂
- Risho exhibited at ECTC 2023!!!
Risho exhibited at ECTC 2023 to present new PCB materials such as low-loss/low-Dk/low-Df material, low-CTE and low-modulus material, high thermal conductive material and white-colored material for LED. Thank you for those who stopped by Risho booth!!! 🙂
- API exhibited at EMV2023
API (Amber Precision Instruments) exhibited at EMV 2023 in Stuttgart last week to present SmartScan which is an EMC/EMI scanner and SmartZap which is an automated robotic ESD tester. Thanks for those who stopped by API booth!!! 🙂
- Risho exhibited at electronica 2022!!!
Risho exhibited at electronica 2022 to present new PCB materials such as low-loss/low-Dk/low-Df material, low-CTE and low-modulus material, high thermal conductive material and white-colored material for LED. Thank you for those who stopped by Risho booth!!! 🙂
- Oak-Mitsui Technologies at PCB West 2022
Oak-Mitsui Technologies presented at PCB West 2022 to present an embedded capacitance material called FaradFlex to improve SI/PI and mitigate EMI, ultra thin copper called MicroThin and low-profile copper. Thanks for stopping by our booth!!! 🙂